integrates UI Framework Vuetify 2.0 with responsive Layout and Grid-Support
Use Vuetify Control & Input types inclusive most of available API-Props
Implement custom Components
Get deep nested, full editable Forms based on Schema Definition
Full Grid control global on Formbase or individuell inside Schema Definition
Drag and Drop Integration
Edit plain or deep nested Models including dynamic Arrays, without the need to flatten your Data
Group or Wrap controls
Get a full, reactive and responsive Result
Listen on 'Resize', 'Focus', 'Input', 'Blur', 'Click', 'Change', 'Swipe', 'Intersect', 'Mouse' and 'Update' Events
Use Slots to pass Header and Footer into a Control or replace a Control by a Slot. Inject Slots into a vuetify-component or individualize your Tooltips
Configurable CSS Style
INFORMATION: currently vuetify doesn't support VUE 3.0
Last updated