There are many possibilities to listen to changes of the model data by events
BREAKING: Combined Listeners were removed
Combined Event-Listener 'change', 'watch', 'mouse', 'display' and 'update' werde removed for better comprehensibility and simplification. Please use separate listener for each event.
v-on Directive with appended Custom ID like @input:form-base-simple is deprecated, no longer necessary and just use @input instead.
<!-- deprecated and removed -->
<!-- use this instead -->
Listen to Component Events
We can use the v-on directive to listen to vuetify-form-base events and run some Code when they’re triggered. You can listen only to a single event or to any combination of events
Available Events
@focus | @input | @click | @blur
@mouseenter | @mouseleave
@dragstart | @dragover | @drop
@resize | @intersect | @clickOutside | @swipe
v-on Directive with appended Custom ID like @input:form-base-simple="log" is deprecated, no longer necessary and just use @input="log" instead.
<!-- Default ID 'form-base' -->
With defined ID, there is no difference declaring events
<!-- more events -->
handleEvent( { on, id, key, value, params, obj, data, schema, parent, index, event } ){// destructure the signature object }
on - Event Name // focus|input|blur|click|resize|swipe|...
id - Formbase-ID
key - key of triggering Element
value - value of triggering Element
params - params object if available { text, x, y, tag, model, open, index }
obj - current Object containing { key, value, schema }
data - Model-Object
schema - Schema-Object
index - Index of arrays
parent - Formbase Parent - if available
event - the native trigger-event if available
Showcase - Change of Password Visibility
In this example you will change the password visibility using 'click' and 'input' event
<!-- HTML -->
<v-form-base :model="myModel" :schema="mySchema" @click="change" @input="change">
... mySchema: { firstPassword:{ type:'password', appendIcon:'visibility',.... } }...change ({ on, key, obj, params }) {// test event is 'click' and comes from appendIcon on key 'firstPassword'if (on =='click'&& key =='firstPassword'&& (params &¶ms.tag) =='append') { // toggle iconobj.schema.appendIcon =obj.schema.type ==='password'?'lock':'visibility'// toggle visibility obj.schema.type =obj.schema.type ==='password'?'text':'password' } }